Throwback Thursday: Fukuoka 2022 Itinerary

Our main reason for going to Fukuoka was to attend Sexy Zone’s concert. We wanted to go somewhere different as an excuse to visit another prefecture besides the usual Osaka schedule. Plus, it was conveniently scheduled at the beginning of the school summer break, so were more motivated to go.

Our plan was a weekend trip, but we had to take a halfday nenkyuu (leave of absence) because we wanted to spend the night in Okayama to catch an early schedule of the shinkansen to Fukuoka. On this particular day, it was suddenly announced that the concert was no longer happening because one of the members had COVID-19. It was a bummer, but on the other hand, we were able to spend more time sightseeing in Fukuoka. We were not that disappointed because we’re also going to the Osaka stop of the concert the following week.

As for our itinerary:


  • I guess we were kinda lucky that there was no queue at Dacomecca Bakery. It’s a famous bakery in Fukuoka that has branches in some areas in Japan like Tokyo. I didn’t restrain myself much and bought a few bread that I could eat until tomorrow for breakfast.
  • There were so many Buddha statues in Nanzoin Temple, but the main attraction there was the giant lying Buddha which was said to the biggest lying Buddha statue in the world. Also, there were only a few people there, so we were able to take good pictures.
  • I had no expectations with Canal City Mall, so I was genuinely surprised at how much I liked going there. It reminded me of Ayala Malls with all the greenery and the overall vibe of the place. I felt like home. I felt like I was in the Philippines.
  • While we were there, we saw a local-based female idol group. It was my first time seeing a Japanese female idol group in real life. It’s actually fascinating to watch them sing and dance with their shiny costumes. I once again had realized how distinct (real) JPop groups are compared to their KPop and Western counterparts – from presentation, music, and costumes.
  • Kushida Shrine was just on the other side of Canal City Mall. We were ready to give up going to that place because the directions given by Google Maps were quite confusing. I’m so glad we were able to visit it.
  • Fukuoka Tower was nice. I think though that this place was really geared towards couples, more than Tokyo Tower and Tokyo Sky Tree.
  • If Canal City Mall reminded me of Ayala Malls, the Mitsui Shopping Lalaport mall reminded of SM Malls. Again, I felt like I was in the Philippines.
  • I had a picture of a huge Gundam statue! Having a picture with the Gundam in the background screams “Japan!!!” already.
  • It’s my second trip that required me to ride the shinkansen (the first was last year to and from Hiroshima)!!!


  • The breads sold at Dacomecca were tasty, but I think they’re a bit overhyped.
  • I know that Kishida Shrine is a sacred and important place. However, it’s so much prettier in pictures.

REVIEW: Ask Yourself (KAT-TUN)

Ask Yourself is KAT-TUN’s 27th single which was released last April 18, 2018.

I bought this specific bundle set, but since my CDs are already kept, I resorted to use this screenshot instead.

Agh! I’m so late to the party. Actually, I’ve listened to this already probably one or two weeks after I got my CDs, but I was pre-occupied with real life, reading, and watching KAT-TUN videos. Yeah, it’s been so long since I’ve last seen KAT-TUN, so naturally, I preferred watching them rather than listen.

I’ve been on an idol/fandom mood these past weeks, and I’m usually more inclined to fangirl rather than be productive.


Anyway, on to my compact review!

Favorite Songs:

1. Ask Yourself

2. Wonderful World

3. Ore Melody

4. FUNtastic

5. The way

6. Real Face #2

My Thoughts:

  • Looking at the list above, I consider all songs in the single as my favorites – well, except for Sweet Birthday it’s not in anyway a bad song, but it’s just meh to me.
  • I love the instrumentals and the fierce vocals in Ask Yourself. My only problem is that I don’t like Nakamaru’s solo part in the second verse. It seems like he isn’t using his singing voice, and it distracts me. Other than that, I love it.
  • Wonderful World sounds like a KAT-TUN group song, so I was surprised that it is a Kame solo. It’s too… boppy  (is there such a word? lol) for Kame. I always associate Kame with either seductive or edgy songs, not a super poppy (lol) song. Disregarding that fact, I love it.
  • Ore Melody is an Ueda solo. So far, he is consistent in delivering awesome and gritty songs. I love it.
  • FUNtastic is a fun song! This reminds me of summer. It’s light, fun, and awesome vocals. I love it.
  • The way is Nakamaru’s solo. While listening to this song, I have slowly forgiven Nakamaru for the slightly disappointing vocals in Ask Yourself because his voice is perfection here. In fact, I played on repeat while I was working on something last week. Nakamaru’s voice never fails to make me fall in love with his solo songs – he’s just relaxing and soothing to listen to. I love this song.
  • Real Face #2!!! Finally!!! There’s now an official, updated 3nin version of Real Face! I always get disappointed whenever KAT-TUN sings Real Face on TV or even in their concerts because they always sing its short version (just like most of their songs). Now, I’m so glad that they brought the rap parts back. It still has the tsk sound and Nakamaru’s beatboxing. I love it.
  • The packaging! The Limited Edition felt very expensive in my hands. I think since buying KAT-TUN CDs, this has the fanciest packaging ever and it somehow reminds me of fancy KPop albums.

Bucket List 2017: Review

A minute to go, and it would be 2018.
At the start of 2017, I made a rather simple Bucket List of the things I wanted to achieve for this year.

To check if I was able to cross off items from my bucket list that I posted last January 7.

  1. travel to the Visayas region – 😥
  2. travel overseas (will actually happen this April) – SUCCESS! My sister and I visited Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam last April!
  3. lose at least 5 more kilos – SUCCESS! I lost 10 kilos, but I eventually gained 3 kilos of that recently. I can’t stay away from my beloved white rice and chocolate!!!
  4. buy a new phone – SUCCESS! This only became possible because my old yet trusty Nokia Lumia phone died on me in February. While I love my Samsung S7 Edge, I still use my Nokia phone as a backup phone.
  5. resist buying any fandom stuff – 😥 I bought AKB48 CDs to vote for Miichan in this year’s Sousenkyo. I have no regrets.
  6. read at least 10 books (both physical and Kindle versions) – SUCCESS! I bought MORE than 10. After experiencing a reading slump the previous years, I just found myself hoarding and reading books in 2016, and that hasn’t stop until now.
  7. save at least Php100 every week – SUCCESS! I had a reminder of this task on my phone so that I wouldn’t forget.
  8. add at least Php5,000 to my mutual fund account – SUCCESS! Next year, I’m going to aim higher!
  9. post my pending travel blog posts – SUCCESS! I still have some pending posts, but I’ll get around those in the next months.
  10. pass the JLPT N4 on December 3 – 😜 I didn’t even make an effort to make this happen. I was so lazy to study.
  11. finish my TESOL course – 😜 Still nope. Bummer.
  12. watch any concert – SUCCESS! Buying tickets to Britney Spears’ concert was totally a spur of the moment thing with my sister and a friend who’s also a Britney fan. We had no regrets.
  13. win a raffle contest – SUCCESS! I recently joined various Facebook groups of my favorite contemporary writers, and I’ve joined a number of their giveaways. Fortunately, I won an ebook. Unfortunately, since it’s an ebook, Amazon had this region restriction imposed, so sad to say that the author’s prize was wasted on me.

9 out of 13? Not bad. Not bad at all.

No Miichan T_T


I’m so disappointed that Miichan isn’t even in the Top 100 in the preliminaries for this year’s Sousenkyo.

It’s a real disappointment, especially since she’s aiming for a senbatsu spot (Top 16). She fell off Top 16 ever since her scandal of shaving her head for allegedly “dating” a guy. That was in 2013, and until now, she’s stuck in the Under Girls group. Though her rank kept on rising, still, that doesn’t erase the fact that she was once a senbatsu girl. It also doesn’t help that she herself isn’t popular among hardcore AKB48 stans, and that a lot of the international fans of AKB48 mock her because of her scandal. I guess I have to stay away from the AKB48-related forums for now. Sigh.

I just hope that this would serve as a wake up call to her fans to vote for her, but then again, what do I know? Her fans might not even plan to vote for her since she promised last year that 2016 was her last election, but here she is, competing for a senbatsu spot.

As for me? I know that I promised myself not to buy any fandom-related stuff this year, but this year is definitely Miichan’s last sousenkyo. Thus, I ordered two copies of “Negaigoto no Mochigusare” single so that I could at least add two votes to her. At least I like AKB48’s new single; otherwise, it would be hard for me to buy it just to get voting codes for Miichan.

Well, here’s hoping for Miichan’s Top 16 (or even higher *fingers crossed*) rank!

I caught up with Miichan’s Showroom! It was around 10 minutes before she logged out, and I screened shot her expression which basically summed up the entire event:


Dead eyes but still trying to look energetic


How I Feel about KAT-TUN

Following all the updates regarding KAT-TUN these days is like riding a rollercoaster of feels. One day, you’ll be overwhelmed with all the releases, tour announcements, gorgeous pictures and poster designs, cool new songs and music videos. Then in one instant, you’ll find yourself depressed knowing that once Taguchi leaves and 3人 KAT-TUN’s 10th anniversary concert finishes, the group will start entering their “recharging period”. They’ve reassured fans in their JWeb video that they are NOT disbanding. Rather, they just want to focus on individual projects and maybe, to take a break to all the stress and pressure that they have been experiencing these past months.


What’s disheartening for both Japanese and international fans, all the group shows and works that they have worked on over the years are to be discontinued. Their Toyota Solio and Carada commercials were discontinued. Shounen Club Premium will have a new MC (to be announced next month. Hoping it’s one from 3人 KAT-TUN). Fans also expect that one of these days, there will be a cancellation announcement for Gatsuun and TameTabi.


I know that as fans, who are we to say dictate an idol’s life. In fact, many in the fandom understand Taguchi and his decision to withdraw from the group. He is a human being too. Like us, we also quit our jobs if we don’t feel any satisfaction anymore. However, having ill feelings towards Taguchi is inevitable. Of course, had he chosen to announce his withdrawal at a proper timing (after the 10th anniversary this March), maybe fans would be more acceptable. He could have given the fans a memorable and an enjoyable 10th anniversary celebration together with Kamenashi, Ueda, and Nakamaru. In addition, all those discontinued and about to be discontinued group projects wouldn’t happen if not for Taguchi’s announcement. As hyphens, KAT-TUN comes first before the member. Didn’t we become familiar with the group first, loved their music and personalities, and followed them as a group first before we had our ichiban?


I can’t say that I’m not skeptical at all. Who knows how the members will feel during their “recharging period”? For now, I just accept whatever KAT-TUN gives to the fans. Should they decide to come back a year or two from now, I know that I’ll still support them.






Since I’m learning Japanese, the fact that I’ll be able to understand them at least 50-70% a year and a half from now gives me comfort.

My Head Hurts

My head hurts.

My head hurts terribly. It really does.

I can only think of three simple reasons why I’m having this headache.

First, it’s because I just recovered from a fever, which caused me to take a leave from work this Monday. I still had slight fever on Tuesday. However, I have something scheduled at work every Tuesdays and Thursdays which could not be cancelled, so I reported to work on that day. Throughout my fever, my head hurt the most. It’s Wednesday today, and I can say that I really haven’t fully recovered yet despite having a healthy diet and regular intake of medicine.

Second is because I’m still confused of what I should do for my project in my TESOL certificate course. I’ve been thinking for days already, but until now, I still can’t find a proper solution on what I should do. T_T

Third is because of Taguchi’s announcement at the Best Artist show last night. There I was, eating dinner and planning to sleep early to fully recover from my fever, when I read the flood of tweets about him quitting the group. To hell with sleep! Sleep is for the weak! I tortured myself by reading all those depressing tweetsand watching on repeat Junno’s announcement and KAT-TUN’s “Dead or Alive” performance (NAKAMARU CRIED ONSTAGE RIGHT AFTER THEIR PERFORMANCE. FCK. THANK YOU THAT IT WASN’T SHOWN ON NATIONAL TV.). I’m not even ashamed to say that I cried myself to sleep last night. Thus, my much needed sleep went to mourning towards the current state of KAT-TUN.

Nakamaru and Ueda both barely danced, and they have stress and disappointment written all over their faces. Kame was a bit more composed, but his hands were shaking and his voice cracked while singing. Every fan, and even non-fans definitely saw how the three of them struggled to perform.


On the other hand, I know that Junno put on his bravest, most confident, and most mature face ever while giving his announcement. I know that it isn’t an easy task, but he was sincere enough to say goodbye to the fans (even if he’ll leave in spring 2016). There was no hesitation shown on his face, which I really admire. Go, do your own thing,marry your girlfriend, and quit the showbiz industry as what you’ve wanted, but all Hyphens are still struggling towards this news. We just want KAT-TUN to remain and hope that the remaining members stay loyal to the group.

Anyway, as I’ve said, those are the reasons why I have a headache. Typing these things, I have now concluded that I just lack enough sleep in order to freshen up my thoughts and my mood.

KAT-TUN… Why Do Hyphens Need to Go through This Pain Again?

Junnosuke Taguchi is now leaving KAT-TUN!

I can’t! My fangirl heart is currently in shreds and bleeding uncontrollably. After all those positive JWeb entries, the new KAT-TUN CM, the 10th Anniversary concert next year, and the possible new single, nobody expected that he is going to leave the group.

Next spring, I’ll retire from KAT-TUN & Johnnys. I’m almost 30, and I thought about how I should live my life. I’m truly sorry to the members.


I have mixed feelings about his departure from the group. However, those feelings are all on the negative side. I feel betrayed, annoyed, sad, angry, and disappointed. Mostly, I AM DISAPPOINTED.

So now, people have already guessed why he cried during their 9th anniversary. BUT WHY ON EARTH DID HE ANNOUNCE IT AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR? Why?????????

Btw, since I like AKB48 as well, I couldn’t help but think that Junno pulled an AKB48. First, he announced that he is “graduating” from the group on national TV, just like Yuko Oshima. Second, he is going to graduate in spring next year, just like Takamina. Third, well, there’s no third. I just want to cry and mourn with all the Hyphens worldwide. Stay strong, people, and let us continue supporting KAT-TUN.

Because of his announcement, I know for sure that I won’t have the enthusiasm to watch all of my current KAT-TUN videos anymore (SCP, TameTabi, PVs, and other variety shows), and that I’ll keep supporting the remaining 3 members, but not Junno. for now.

I know he has a life of his own, but it still hurts, you know. Seriously. I’ll get over this soon enough. I hope.

Just please don’t disband, KAT-TUN.

I shed real life tears, yo. #fangirlproblems

Review: KAT-TUN Live 2015 9uarter in Tokyo Dome DVD (KAT-TUN)

Favorite Performances:
1. Race Goes On
2. In Fact
3. “Japanesque” segment
4. “Rock” segment
5. Shuffle corner
6. Real Face karaoke segment
7. Ray
8. Sunrise


  • Race Goes On was a “meh” song for me before, but seeing KAT-TUN sing it live made me reconsider the song. I ended up liking it.
  • I always enjoy KAT-TUN’s performances of In Fact. I know I’ve said in a couple of blogs that this or that song is my favorite 4nin song. However, over time, I realized that In Fact is my favorite A-side from them.
  • Lips and One Drop performances are enjoyable, especially the latter. This song reminds me of the happy but serious KAT-TUN in the past.
  • The different segments are truly beautiful and entertaining. I was amused when the intro songs used were each member’s solo.
  • I wonder when will I hear KAT-TUN sing the entire version of Real Face as 4nin. Hmmm
  • Ray is so intense as ever. I wish they made it into an A-side.
  • As much as I appreciate how they squeezed a lot of their songs into a 2-hour concert, I wish they sang the full version of some of their old songs. I was ecstatic to know that one of my favorite 5nin songs which is Give Me, Give Me, Give Me was performed, only to be disappointed when they only sang the chorus.
  • Yes, Sunrise is so good! It’s the best “ballad” song in the come Here album, so I’m glad they sang it again.
  • Some of the Johnny’s Junior dancers need to reflect on their performance during the concert. Only KAT-TUN can dance unsynchronized, okay? (Kidding. :D) Seriously though. I wish they were not focused on camera and shown in the DVD, but what can we do? They were with KAT-TUN a lot of times.
  • I enjoyed watching the multi-angles of each member, especially Ueda’s parts. He looked so intense and too passionate in every song, especially in Ray.
  • Is it just me? I feel like there are more ballads in this concert as compared to their past concerts? Hmmm…

Anyway, I still like the entire concert. It’s definitely better than come Here concert.

Quick Update

I’m currently studying, but my mind has been nagging me to post something here in my blog. However, since I’m quite busy and lazy at the same time, I’ll just have a list of random updates.

    1. My sister and I will be going back to South Korea next year – March 2016! We’ll visit the places that we failed to visit the last time we were there. We’ll go to other places of interest and visit Myeongdong again. After all, we’ll be staying in Myeongdong for our entire trip!
    2. I promise myself to diet seriously. Some of my clothes don’t fit on me anymore since I stopped watching my diet last November 2014. Another reason for dieting is that I’m planning to shop for new clothes in Seoul next year. I’m afraid the clothes there won’t fit me because Korean girls are skinny. I need to lose weight (but not skinny as the idols), but fit enough not be considered chubby.
      Wait for me, Edae and Hongdae!!! I’ll soon be hoarding those cheap, quality clothes in your areas!!!

Caption from “She was Pretty” drama

    1. I got bangs again!!! I wear dresses and skirts to work now!!! (very random lol)
    2. KAT-TUN’s 9uarter Concert DVD finally arrived yesterday. This one is special because not only this is KAT-TUN’s first Tokyo Dome concert after 3 turbulent years for the group, but this is also my last fandom purchase until summer next year. I’m trying to save money for my upcoming trip, so I’ll sacrifice my official and legit fandom merchandise for now.

KAT-TUN “9uarter” Concert DVD

    1. Nakamaru is such a cute guy. Should he gain a bit more weight, then his physical appearance will be perfect. That, I can guarantee. 😀
    2. My addiction with Korean dramas hit its peak the last couple of months. However, since I’m now pre-occupied with my work and studies, I am only following 2 dramas. Heck, I haven’t even started the other one (The Village), but I have all the raw episodes and the complete subtitles.
    3. I have a number of books bought that have yet to be read, but I somehow manage to read few pages at least once a week of this interesting book entitled Look Who’s Back written by Timur Vermes. It’s originally written in German but was only translated into English. Its main plot is Adolf Hitler being unknowingly time skipped to 2011 in Germany. It’s interesting how the author made Hitler survive in the modern era.

“Look Who’s Back” is the book on the right side.

  1. Heh. I forgot to write blog entries for my 2014 South Korea trip and 2015 Malaysia trip. I hope to write them soon. Maybe I should create a schedule when it’ll be possible for me to write blog entries.

That’s it for now.
I’ll go back to studying. *yawns*

REVIEW: Kiss Kiss Kiss (KAT-TUN)

Kiss Kiss Kiss is KAT-TUN’s 24th single which was released last March 11, 2015.

CDs (Limited Eds 1 & 2 and Regular Ed)

CDs (Limited Eds 1 & 2 and Regular Ed)

Favorite Songs:
1. Kiss Kiss Kiss
2. Nothing Else Matters
3. Ray
4. Kirarito

My Thoughts:

  • As always, their vocals are always on point.
  • “Kiss Kiss Kiss” is an interesting song with a cool PV. The PV is cool and all of them looked good while dancing individually. So far, this is my favorite KAT-TUN PV out of all the 4-nin singles. As for the song itself, it may not sound KAT-TUNish at first, but it’s a grower.
  • There are more rock-inspired songs here, which is a treat to all hyphens. Finally! The only ballad-but-not-so-ballad in this single is KameDa’s duet song, “Arigatou”.
  • “Nothing Else Matters” reminds me of old KAT-TUN, which is nice.
  • “Ray” should have been an A-side (perhaps as another single). It’s too good to just be a B-side, only to be sung during concerts. It’s now alongside Soldier, Phoenix, Fire and Ice, Triangle, and Hide and Seek as songs that I wish have more public recognition.
  • “Arigatou” is KameDa’s duet: Too generic.
  • “Kirarito” is TaguMaru’s duet: LOVE IT! This is actually my favorite song in this single. I can listen to this song on repeat for an entire day without getting tired of it. No, it’s not an exaggeration. Shining in my heart~ Shining in your heart~
  • The Shuffle KAT-TUN video is really fun to watch. How I pitied KameDa team because they lacked teamwork as compared to the TaguMaru team. TaguMaru is my ultimate KAT-TUN OTP, so my heart flutters everytime I see them working together while eating or while spending time at a karaoke room. Eat that wasabi-flavored dumpling, Junno!