November 2018 Book Wrap Up

Warning. This is not simply a book wrap up.

Rather, this is also sort of an update on random things because I feel like I somehow need to justify why all the books I finished last month were audiobooks. However, I also interchanged two of those books between the audiobook and the phyical/ebook form.

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April 2018 Book Wrap Up

My accidental 24-hour readathon last March paved way for a brief reading slump. I was just not in the mood to read new books, and all I wanted to read were books that I previously read and still liked. Thus, it was not until the second week of April that I was able to finish a new book, all thanks to April 9 being a national holiday in the country, which means I was only at home and had nothing better to do.

Two of the four rereads actually started in March, but I only finished them at the start of April, while the other two were started and finished by the end of the first week of April. Again, I have to thank the long queues and commute that enabled me to fly through these books.

Now, on to the books I read in April (arranged by date finished):

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Favorite Books Read in 2017

New year, new books to read!
Before I put on any posts about books, I figured I’d list my favorite books that I’ve read in 2017. Sadly, I only have eight books, and as much as I liked a number of the books I read in 2017, I still had to choose those I enjoyed the most.

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30 Day Reading Challenge: Day 23

Day 23 – Your Guilty Pleasure

I like reading Young/New Adult books. I’m no longer a teen, but YA books transport me back to my teenage years when things were much simpler, back when grades, friends, and love are the main problems of a person.

I prefer those that have slice-of-life stories where the characters are normal people and don’t include vampires and werewolves.

Some of my favorites are:
1. Geekerella by Ashley Poston
2. When It’s Real by Erin Watt
3. Glitter and Sparkle by Shari Tapscott
4. This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer Smith
5. We are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen
6. P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
7. Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas

30 Day Reading Challenge: Day 5

Day 05 – A Book that Makes You Happy

For this post, I’m going with one of my recent read books, and that is Ashley Poston’s Geekerella, a retelling of Cinderella mixed with fandom, Hollywood, and a bit of teenage angst.
This book left me smiling like an idiot because of 1) the main characters’ geeky yet cool personalities; 2) incorporation of Cinderella elements into the story; 3) beautiful narrative / writing style of the author; and of course, because it has a  4) happily ever after ending.

If you ever read this book, I suggest you read it while listening to its audiobook counterpart. It’s really worth it.