Favorite Books Read in 2018

I can’t believe it’s 2019 already!

How did 2018 come and go by so fast? It seems like not too long ago when I decided to do a monthly recap of the books I’ve read, and I’m here now to do a yearly recap my favorites.

Do take note that I’m excluding my rereads because well, I reread them because they’re my favorites as well. But this list is dedicated to books I’ve first read this year. I also have a Top 11 instead of Top 10 because I can’t decide which book to remove in my top books.

Now, on to the list!

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December 2018 Book Wrap Up

It’s December 30th.

Before the year ends, I’m posting my December wrap up because I won’t be able to do any reading in the next three days because of the New Year’s celebration.

To sum it up, I’m pretty happy with the books I’ve read this month. I’m also ecstatic to discover a completed manga series that has angst but has tender and uplifting moments as well. I also finished two classics, so yay to me because I haven’t finished a classic book in years.

Now, on to the books I read in December (arranged by date finished):

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September 2018 Book Wrap Up

Today is the last day of September, and I’m posting this wrap up because I don’t think I would be able to finish any new books today.

This is probably one of my best reading months this year. No, it’s not because of the amount of books I’ve read, but it’s because I enjoyed most of the books in this list.

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April 2018 Book Wrap Up

My accidental 24-hour readathon last March paved way for a brief reading slump. I was just not in the mood to read new books, and all I wanted to read were books that I previously read and still liked. Thus, it was not until the second week of April that I was able to finish a new book, all thanks to April 9 being a national holiday in the country, which means I was only at home and had nothing better to do.

Two of the four rereads actually started in March, but I only finished them at the start of April, while the other two were started and finished by the end of the first week of April. Again, I have to thank the long queues and commute that enabled me to fly through these books.

Now, on to the books I read in April (arranged by date finished):

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March 2018 Book Wrap Up

I’m so ecstatic how my reading choices are a bit more diverse this March. Besides the usual lovable contemporary romance books, I also read interesting mystery books (children’s, YA, and cozy mystery) and excellent general fiction books.

I have to thank the 1-work week vacation my company issued (being Thursday and Friday being the only non-working holiday in the country)  that made it possible for me to read more books than usual. Granted, I was in a company outing from March 25-March 26, and I had a staycation at a nearby hotel/suite with my sister from March 26-March 27, but I still had 4 1/2 days free!

Now, on to the books I read in March (arranged by date finished):

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January 2018 Book Wrap Up

When it comes to reading, January seemed to be a pretty satisfying month for me. Despite having lesser time to read especially during the latter part of the month, I was still able to read a substantial amount of books, all thanks to the existence of audiobooks and the considerable amount of time I spend commuting to and from work.

Anyway, without further ado, here are the books I finished reading last month (arranged by date finished):

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