Favorite Books Read in 2018

I can’t believe it’s 2019 already!

How did 2018 come and go by so fast? It seems like not too long ago when I decided to do a monthly recap of the books I’ve read, and I’m here now to do a yearly recap my favorites.

Do take note that I’m excluding my rereads because well, I reread them because they’re my favorites as well. But this list is dedicated to books I’ve first read this year. I also have a Top 11 instead of Top 10 because I can’t decide which book to remove in my top books.

Now, on to the list!

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November 2018 Book Wrap Up

Warning. This is not simply a book wrap up.

Rather, this is also sort of an update on random things because I feel like I somehow need to justify why all the books I finished last month were audiobooks. However, I also interchanged two of those books between the audiobook and the phyical/ebook form.

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No Disclaimers Book Tag

I haven’t been officially tagged, but most bloggers and Booktubers out there also state that they tag everyone who wants to do this. When I saw their posts, I was like, “Why not? This looks interesting.”

For starters, I really don’t care much about what people think of the books I read because I read mostly for myself and not for others. Thus, I’m sort of unapologetic if ever I do offend anyone with my answers. To each his own.  

So now, on to the questions…  

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August 2018 Book Wrap Up

August is… was… a weird month.

Despite having finished 11 books, I felt like I really didn’t read a lot. For starters, I’ve binged read a series that has 6 books simply because I felt so intrigued by the mystery and so captivated  by the overall writing style of the author. My reading pace was then very fast; however, somehow, I slowed down and I finished my last book of the month on the third week. I took my time reading by only reading whenever I wanted to.

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July 2018 Book Wrap Up

Produce 48 made me so distracted with my reading, and I found it so hard to concentrate. All I wanted to do was to watch Produce 48 episodes over and over again, watch and read comments on the various Youtube clips of group performances and solo cam shots, and read forums (OneHallyu and Stage48) to know people’s thoughts and feelings about everything related to Produce 48.

Because of my short attention span, I decided to turn to graphic novels and as usual, audiobooks (but even my audiobook time was lessened because of ehem, Produce 48). I managed to squeeze in a few books to distract myself from Produce 48 (lol), but most are just 3-star reviews. Hmmm, maybe I’m just in a slump? I don’t know. Maybe I’m just on a Produce 48 mode. Continue reading