*Almost* One Year Has Passed

I haven’t posted here on this blog since March 31, 2021. It’s March 19, 2022 now.

There’s so much going on these days, and if I have some free time at home, blogging is the last thing I really want to do.

However, I still like fangirling and reading books/listening to audiobooks. Nothing has changed on that part. I just wish I’d be more motivated to update this blog since I’ve had this since 2008. I’ll try to at least post my favorite books read in 2021 because it’s such a good reading year for me.

Before I end this post, I just want to share some things that have happened in 2021:

  • My mom passed away in January. The first half of the year was especially difficult for me because I live alone in a foreign country without any of my family members near me.
  • From July (or was it August?), I started traveling with my friends across the country. We’ve been to at least five prefectures here in Japan, and I realized how traveling is a perfect way to release some stress while truly enjoying oneself.
  • Studying Japanese was once again taken for granted, but I think I did better than in 2020. In fact, I finished answering the N5 mock test right before the winter vacation! I’m pretty confident about my N5 writing, listening, and grammar skills. My speaking level remains low, but I’m lucky that JLPT doesn’t have a speaking test. 🙂
  • The Philippine National Election is in May 2022. I follow the campaigns of the political candidates despite being overseas. I’ve registered for overseas voting, so I’m glad that I get to participate in the the election. Seriously, following the local news about the upcoming election is so time consuming because part of that is reading about other people’s varying opinions.

So there you have it! As I’ve said, I’m pretty much preoccupied with fangirling, reading, and those mentioned above.

Till next time!