Big Bad Wolf Book Sale 2019

Yes, the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale, one of the biggest book sales in the world, is coming back to Manila from February 22-March 4, 2019.


While I love books and reading in general, I initially have no plans to be there because:

  • I still have a ton of books in my TBR;
  • I’m trying to save money;
  • World Trade Center is far from where I live; and
  • I’m still traumatized with a previous experience on book sales.

However, just last week, my colleague invited me to the Big Bad Wolf because she knows I like reading as well. While I told her that I’d go with her, I don’t think that I’ll be able to buy anything I want. Judging from the reviews I’ve read and the vlogs I’ve seen on Youtube, it seems like books that I genuinely want to read weren’t there. In 2018, I haven’t read or watched anyone haul books by Colleen Hoover, Neil Shusterman, Brandon Sanderson, and Andy Weir among others. Moreover, it seemed like books by Mitch Albom and Rick Riordan were very limited last year. How I wish the organizers would change that this year.

Anyway, should that day arrive, I would have made a list of books that I want to buy, and that list would be divided into three categories:

  • want to read;
  • want to have physical copies of (because I have them either as audiobook or as an ebook); and
  • want to replace another copy.

I vowed to myself to be wiser in choosing which books to buy and read ever since that incident where I unhauled all books I bought but one book from another popular book sale event in the country. Perhaps it was my fault for reading reviews on those books after buying them, but still, just thinking about the money wasted on those was heartbreaking. As for this year’s BBW, I’m only allowing myself to bring Php3,500 as my budget – Php 500 for transportation and food, while the Php3,000 is for books only.

Fingers crossed that I would be able to find books I actually want to buy for me to truly enjoy that day.

Favorite Books Read in 2018

I can’t believe it’s 2019 already!

How did 2018 come and go by so fast? It seems like not too long ago when I decided to do a monthly recap of the books I’ve read, and I’m here now to do a yearly recap my favorites.

Do take note that I’m excluding my rereads because well, I reread them because they’re my favorites as well. But this list is dedicated to books I’ve first read this year. I also have a Top 11 instead of Top 10 because I can’t decide which book to remove in my top books.

Now, on to the list!

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