December 2018 Book Wrap Up

It’s December 30th.

Before the year ends, I’m posting my December wrap up because I won’t be able to do any reading in the next three days because of the New Year’s celebration.

To sum it up, I’m pretty happy with the books I’ve read this month. I’m also ecstatic to discover a completed manga series that has angst but has tender and uplifting moments as well. I also finished two classics, so yay to me because I haven’t finished a classic book in years.

Now, on to the books I read in December (arranged by date finished):

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The 90s Kid Book Tag

Full disclosure.
I was born in the late 80s, but I consider myself a 90s kid because my earliest memories were those in the 90s. Heck, I even started going to school in the 90s. When I saw this tag, I figured that it would be fun to do this as well because why not? I’m a 90s kid, and I love reading.

Plus, it’s Christmas night here in my country which means things have gotten quiet significantly and that everyone’s just resting now. So, here I am writing a new blog post.

Anyway, before I go into the tag, I’m presenting first the rules made by the creator of this tag from The Literary Phoenix:

  • Please, please, please steal this tag and spread it around!  I only ask that you link it back to The Literary Phoenix so that I can see everyone’s answers!
  • Freeze tag was all the rage in the 90s.  Tag someone (or many) you think would have fun with this!
  • Have fun!
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November 2018 Book Wrap Up

Warning. This is not simply a book wrap up.

Rather, this is also sort of an update on random things because I feel like I somehow need to justify why all the books I finished last month were audiobooks. However, I also interchanged two of those books between the audiobook and the phyical/ebook form.

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