30 Day Reading Challenge: Day 15

Day 15 – Favorite Male Character

Because I read chicklit and romance books, I am very much familiar on how men are represented in these books. However, my favorite is far from the rich, alpha males commonly seen in chicklit and other romance books.

My favorite comes from Adriana Trigiani’s Big Stone Gap Series, and that is Jack McChesney.

Yep. It’s Jack McChesney, the guy who was respectful, well-mannered, responsible, loved Ave Maria since sixth grade, kissed Ave Maria during Iva Lou’s wedding reception, had the reputation as the best kisser in all the Gap, tracked Ave Maria’s father in Italy, sold his brand new, fully-loaded truck just to bring Ave Maria’s family from Italy to the US for a visit, wed Ave Maria in a Catholic Church (despite him not being Catholic), toured Europe with Ave Maria, and wed Ave Maria for the second time in Italy.

Yep. That Jack Mac.

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